From a young age, the energy of the universe and those around me called to me. I could sense spirit all around me. I could communicate with, and sense the stories of, those who had passed on through historic locations, old cemeteries, and antiques. I could feel and sense the energies of others. I could could get lost in the idea of coming from somewhere else, being meant for something more. And, ever so often, I would sense or see things in dreams that would later come to be.

Like many, it wasn’t until I was older that I could finally, and fully, acknowledge and begin to develop those things. But, once I did, it wasn’t long before my innate traits, skills, and abilities were expanding and upgrading in ways far beyond the imagination of my younger self, before the team surrounding me was growing from four, to nine, and beyond, beforeI was receiving what would come to be my true purpose and mission (more like missions) during my time here on Earth.


In August of 2024, I received a channeled message from the Atlantean collective of healers known to me as Alren. In that message they called upon my unique ability to not only sense, hear, and consider the perspectives of others without judgement, but to take and blend those perspectives into something new that others could and would resonate with.

They asked me to once again take up the role of building a community that would unite individuals for the purpose of working towards the common goal of remembrance and reawakening for themselves and for humankind/Earth as a whole.

They asked me to take what I have received from them and others who are currently on similar journey’s and merge it into something new that others will connect to, see, feel, and know.

Maintaining + Supporting The Channels

In September of 2024, a series of divinely timed recommendations from my therapist and nudges from the universe, led me to explore lightwork and light language. Almost immediately, I stumbled upon two of the few channelers that I can instantly resonate with, and channel through,  Rachel of Reiki Rachel and JJ of Activations with JJ (check them both out).

Before I knew it, I was diving right in, speaking and writing light language and codes, finding a feeling of home in the stars that I had never felt here on Earth, and expanding on my understanding and practice of current, past, and parallel soul work.

Then, while listening to one of JJ’s activations , I received my secondary mission. She was listing off types of gridwork, and suddenly “gridding the channels,” came through. I jumped to her community and went through the descriptions of all the types of gridwork and gridworkers, and there was nothing about it.

My inner child and curiosity wouldn’t let me set the concept aside. I knew whatever it meant, it was important, so I turned to my team, and the channeled explanation I received was that I was being called to actively engage in the following:

Maintaining the Channels:  Strengthening and facilitating, through gridwork, communication traveling through the channels. This applies to the messages being exchanged between galactic beings, and between guides, souls, and humankind.  It also applies to the broadcasted calls from source to the un-awakened, to aid in their remembering by increasing the volume with which they hear, see, sense, or know the call to remember, to reunite as one.

Supporing the Channels: Strengthening and facilitating, through gridwork and 1:1 connection, the souls traveling within the channels as part of their ascension or reincarnation into new bodies. This applies to assisting with blocks to ascension or reincarnation, being a witness for them, ensuring they feel safe and supported, and whispering their remembered truths or their release from that holding them back.

Aiding in the Expansion + Ascension Of Others

As I’ve continued along my own personal journey and to expand my own light, energy, and understanding of remembrance and reawakening, I’ve been increasingly called to play a more active role over the last six month. To do more than just providing energy healing in my community and a journal for individuals to work with.

In October 2024, my entire team surrounded me and called me to begin creating not only an online community for others like me to gather, but content that would assist them, and all of the soul aspects of their light body/being, in their journey’s. They acknowledged all of the work I’ve been doing, the progress I’ve been making, and their belief that I am ready, that THIS, is the time.

I’ve reached a level of surrender where I didn’t question it, I just said okay, let’s start the new year with a new website. They were like nah, we want you to launch in December, that it was important to start with 12, not 1. I said okay. They were like oh, by the way, we want you to soft launch it in November. I said okay. Then, while I was knee deep in trying to put this website together, they said, hey, let’s do a 12 day countdown too. I said okayyyyyyyy.

There was a whole lot of testing going on throughout this, and a whole lot of doubt and anxiety wanting to creep in, but the countdown got done, the soft launch is getting done today (as I write this very sentence), and the official launch and all of the content for it will come with a whole lot of trust in myself, my team, source, and the universe standing behind it. I AM READY.